Please send an enquiry for my books by submitting the contact form at the bottom of the page. Due to increased printing costs currently the preferred method is supplying E-books. All are sold for 10 EUR a book.​
Abandoned Buildings of Bulgaria
"I portray the charm of decay and hope to have the viewers use their fantasies to imagine what happened in these places. Moreover, this photo book is here to make sure these places are not forgotten. For a place that is forgotten, has already ceased to exist."
"Darko is a fictional character from Lovech in Bulgaria. He retreats to the mountains to get back to his senses."
Short Stories and Ramblings
"Everyday life of Bulgarian fictional people is described in this book. In a comical setting, I portray a picture of my imagination. I live in Bulgaria since 2014. I travel through the country, interact with the people and documents my experiences extensively."
Poems and Stuff
"A collection of 8 short stories and 23 poems. These stories and poems are about the daily lives and struggles of fictional characters, of whom most live in Bulgaria."
Solo Travel & Living Abroad Alone
"From nearly ten years of my experience, I describe what it's like to travel solo and live abroad alone. I've called the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Romania and Bulgaria my home and traveled through 40 countries. I might as well say the world is my home. This book will motivate you to get out there yourself, because there's no reason to be afraid to go solo."